Friday, March 28, 2008

A Work In Progress

In case you have noticed a few changes, I have been busy retooling the Web site (now that I have some real Internet for a few days).

Gone is some of the Florida influence like the art work, the beach cam (too depressing to look at in the winter) and the hurricane forecast. New features include some Vindy.Com influence and some features from MSNBC.

More is on the way (hint: that boring logo at the top of the page is evolving!). Thanks for your patience!

More later,


Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Official!

OK, here's the scoop.

I am staying in a hotel that has a massive Internet problem. I spent nearly two hours on the phone Sunday going "Incredible Hulk" on a variety of English-deprived denizens who surely think less of the U.S. as a whole for my efforts.

Yet, they always have a name like "Mike" or "Tony." Hmmmm...

The Internet nightmare impacts everything from my e-mail to my ability to post here. I am slowly getting caught up, but please have patience! Luckily, Mary has supplied me with a PSP to keep me sane during those long periods in which I am cut off from the rest of the world.

"Haven't heard from you. Is everything OK?" writes one kind person. "I love reading your blog - when it is going to be updated? (hint, hint)" writes another "fan."

I'm working on it.

In the meantime, my status here became official Sunday after it was published in The Vindicator and on Check it out:

Vindy hires managing editor

In answer to other questions, yes, when I have full Internet access, this site will evolve once again to lose the nautical look and reflect my new life: Scraping snow and ice off of my car.

Stay tuned!

More later.


P.S. As is the local custom, apparently, the Internet quit as I attempted to post this earlier Monday. Hulk smash! Hulk smash!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Fear and Loathing (the hotel's Internet) on the Campaign Trail '08

Testing, testing....

1, 2, 3, 4...

Am I on in the back?

Hello, everyone. I apologize for the paucity of posts once again. On Feb. 22 I began a two-day journey through eight states to reach my new job in Youngstown, Ohio. That wild trip was met by yet another whirlwind of new names, new faces, new everything as I settled into my new role as managing editor of The Vindicator.

Add to that the looming primary election in Ohio, house hunting, an Internet system that is a wee bit temperamental (A faulty access point has to be continually reset by a company in Poland. No, not Poland, Ohio which is the adjoining town. "Poland" as in the country Poland.) a gradual overcoming of a massive sleep deficit and general exhaustion, and you pretty much have the past week or so in a nutshell.

A buckeye shell, as it were.

But, no, as many of you have suggested, I haven't abandoned my 21st century blog in order to compete for editor of the year in 2009...

To say I am way behind on e-mail would be an understatement on par with "Hillary must do well Tuesday night." Please trust that I will get back to you and I do appreciate all of the notes.

I have pictures that I will share of my new surroundings. As for now, I just wanted to post up that I am alive, well and enjoying the new role tremendously. I am grateful for the opportunity that seems to be everything that I imagined and more.

More later,


P.S. I readied this Tuesday morning. When I went to post it, the Internet was down. Such is the Poland Conundrum.
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