Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hey, you lousy liberals! Get a life, conservatives!

If your family is anything like my mine, you spend a lot of time debating who's the biggest liberal and/or conservative, as the case may be. In fact, this goes on at offices (I do hear), softball diamonds and even in the hallowed halls of our government!

Finally, to settle the debate, I offer this test over there on the right hand side, just above the Simpsons link: How Liberal/Conservative Are You?

This simple test, if honestly answered, will tell you just how liberal and/or conservative you are! Then you can change the debate to: "Well, I may be a social liberal but I am 50 percent conservative when it comes to crime!" That will pretty much confuse and end any such debate.

The test is fun but it also makes a good point: Very few of us are totally one way or the other - which makes labeling such a total waste of time. Our country has been enveloped in this senseless debate long enough. Take the test and share it with your friends, family, office and softball team. But, please, keep it out of the hands of the politicians!


P.S. Or try here: How Liberal / Conservative Are You?


Suzanne said...

But you didn't post your results!!

I demand a recount, I only came up 100% conservative on 4 out of 5 categories. Gotta work on those social responsibility numbers.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Fiscal conservative, here, with some social liberal tendencies. I'm conservative on crime (death penalty!) and totally pro-choice - in that I don't think men should tell women what to do with their bodies after we impregnate them. Mary came up with VERY similar results!

How did the new news ticker work when you called up the site?


Suzanne said...

The news ticker is very cool, and very apropos to your site.

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