Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pandora's Blog

A while back I blogged about, a very cool, very intuitive music site that plays free music for you based on your listening habits. It's great for background music while working or writing or tuning out American Idol.

Well, Tim Westergren of Pandora was kind enough to invite me, as an early user of his great site, to a town hall-style meeting in Chicago last weekend to discuss the concept and help mold it for the future. I couldn't make it (packing!) but while jamming on the site the other day, I realized yet another cool add-on for my blog.

By use of a RSS feed, visitors to my site can not only see what my current Top 5 songs are, but can also play a sample or start their own Pandora "station." And my tunes will be automatically updated as I tag songs while listening to my stations on Pandora!

This works best for those of you with wireless connections, of course.

Once again, I urge you to check out Pandora as a great - and low-cost (actually, free) - alternative to my beloved iTunes:


More later,


P.S. Of course, my new video iPod arrived today, so if my Pandora picks don't move much over the next day or so, don't be surprised... Ahhhhh... Every episode of "The Office" in one hand-held device....

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