Thursday, March 08, 2007

Countdown to Spider-Man 3!

Nigel had a great idea: A Countown to the May 4 opening of "Spider-Man 3!"

Hence, thanks to the fine folks (and our overlords) at Voila! Check it out to the left!

I am also maintaining my daily devotion to "Today's Tune," brought to you by the fine folks at, something I picked up over at Just a little of something for you to enjoy while you visit Mark's World. Now you have to scroll down a bit, but you'll find Thursday's little ditty: "The Spider-Man Theme" as performed by The Ramones.

Spider-Man fever has taken over...

More later,


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Mark, you always seem to find the coolest stuff to enhance your blog. Love the new "Tune of the Day". I was watching one of the Austin Powers epics last night and had to laugh at the duo of Burt Bacharach and Elvis Costello.

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