Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Cat-astrophe!

It was a long night which lasted into the wee hours Tuesday, but, really, what choice did we have?

If you brought a cat home from the shelter and a minor cold lead to blood dripping from the eyes, what would you do?

If you happen to be the Sweetwoods and it happens to be 10:30 p.m. and young Clyde happens to look like something out of a Stephen King novel, you tear through the Yellow Pages post-haste to find a 24-hour emergency veterinarian. And then you speed there, plunk down the MasterCard and marvel how calm some people can be when face-to-face with what appears to be Lucifer's leopard.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usCLYDE'S BEST SIDE FOR NOW

Now, I say "appears" because despite an upper respiratory infection, acute conjunctivitis that made the eyes glow red and spew plasma, a fever and long nails that needed to be clipped (at $85 for an emergency visit, I was taking full advantage), Clyde was a perfect gentleman. He was calm. He played. He even purred when violated by a thermometer. Truly, he is a wonderful animal.

He just looks bad.

They pumped him with fluids and medicines, prescribed eye drops and antibiotics and a few hours later we were all home again. While at the emergency vet, however, we also solved a mystery: How did Clyde's small cold Saturday escalate into an emergency vet visit by Monday even though the shelter gave us a set of the exact meds that the vet prescribed?

Turns out, the prescription needed to be refrigerated. Now it would be easy to blame Mary because this is my blog. Let her go defend herself on Mary's World or some such site. But, the truth is, neither of us read the directions and they estimated that without refrigeration, the meds were probably useless by Sunday morning...


So, poor Clyde just got worse. Now he'll get better. Poor Louis J. Cat is going to have to wait at least another week before he meets the mysterious intruder on the other side of the guest bathroom door who is causing so much fuss lately.

More later,



sdazzle said...

If Mary had a "world," or blog, would she really call it something as simple as Mary's World? She would have to refer to it in terms that are far more delusional. It is Mary we are talking about. :-)

Unknown said...

Perhaps Clyde was crying blood tears after finding out that "Junior" will be joining Jeff at Hendrick?

MaryS said...

Look Daz, it's my damned universe. Don't forget it! Now, where did I put my tiara?

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Gee, Mary and Scott fighting again... It makes me long for the old days...



Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Gretchen, I think it was TERESA crying bloody tears... Has anyone heard what Bud thinks of this?


sdazzle said...

LOL....I didn't realize Mary was capable of using the internet. Forgive me Your Hind End....ooops, I mean Your Highness. :-)
I can hardly wait to see you in July. Isn't that the cool season in Florida?

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