Monday, July 30, 2007

Here He Is: Mr. 8,000!

Well, Mr. 8,000 has been crowned!

He showed up at 9:57:52 p.m. EST on a PC featuring the out-moded Microsoft Windows XP software and was humming along on the Roadrunner-Southwest ISP operated by the fine folks at the Bright House Networks.

And, he is: MY DAD!Image Hosted by

Yes, Dean Sweetwood, you will reign as Mr. 8,000. The fabled Mark's World stein will soon find its way to your home. You know the drill: Mr. 8,000 MUST be photographed with the stein and the photograph must be shared with all of Mark's World.

Why? Well, because this is MY house and when you are in MY house... Just kidding!

Congrats, Dad! Thanks to everyone who tried to scratch their way to the top. Flawed as it is, the counter was humming all day! Don't despair, everyone else: There's always Mr. or Mrs (or Ms. or Miss) 9,000...

More later,


1 comment:

Eric Sweetwood said...

Wow. I thought I had the magic number. This is a rip. By the way, Kim thought your cameo was cool. Since I did some acting, she asked what I have been in. I had to answer Ottawa Community Players production and a dead guy at Eureka College. She seemed unimpressed. At least I am funny.

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