Dear Masked IP User Who Generally Visits Mark's World A Couple of Times Per Day:
Your IP as it arrives here usually starts with 76.238. It would appear you have set your account to visit us every time there is a new post. That's great!
While I cannot tell exactly who you are, yet, I do know you are running Microsoft WinXP, browse on Internet Explorer 6.0 optimized with Mozilla 4.0 and Javascript 1.3 and you might have a small monitor set for 1024-by-768.
What's up with that? Get a real monitor!
The reason for this memo: You also have a spyware virus. You are infected with FunWebProducts. Read about it here:
No Fun With FunWebProducts
It has been around for a few years and, luckily, it shows up on servers so that kindly webmasters like we employ here at Mark's World can warn you. Some quick advice (other than drop the PC for a real computer): Beware of such sites like iWon.Com.
To verify who you are, you last visited Mark's World at 11:01:24 p.m. EST (10:01:24 p.m. CST) Monday night.
Anyway, I thought you should know. No need to thank me. Not everyone can be a Web expert.
More later,
Sounds to me like Big Brother IS watching!
Well, I think I am watching Big Brother watching me... :) As much as this spooks some people, it should be considered a cautionary tale: Every site you visit can find out a lot of information - and oftentimes, even more than my slim glimpses. In any case, I am just trying to help someone with a virus. If they just would not use a masked IP, I would have just contacted him or her directly...
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