Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A turn-Colt?

Of all of the disturbing e-mail I receive each day, and you've seen many examples published right here, NOTHING has left me so disturbed than what you are about to view by scrolling down.

Folks fortunate to work at the Northwest Herald circa 2002 probably recall Human Resources Manager Kathy Oliveira. She was my good friend and counsel there for a decade and it is fair to say that she was one of the nicest, kindest people people I met during my tenure in Crystal Lake, Ill.

As I recall, Kathy was not just known as a great co-worker and friend to many, but also as a terrific wife, mom and grandma. And I recall that she raised several sons as God-fearing, Chicago Bears fans. Her husband, Richard, eventually whisked her away to Indiana and I trusted that all would end happily ever after...

Not so. According to the picture below, poor Kathy may have been brainwashed by some bizarre cult. The only message accompanying the picture?


Oh. My. God.

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More later.



sdazzle said...

Great googly-moogly! She's lost her marbles.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...


We can only hope for an Oliveira family intervention this weekend...


Suzanne said...

Yes - I think an intervention and deprogramming is in order.

Go Bears!

Kathy Oliveira said...

Look's like we are going head to head one more time.



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