Thursday, February 01, 2007

What a mess!

Pardon our dust, over here at Mark's World.

Like all things, Blogspot is being taken over by Google. I, for one, welcome our new techno-overlords.

I ignored the many pleadings to move to the new system until they forced my hand last night. However, the migration to the new operation is going less smoothly than the Googlites obviously expected. And I have design augmentations that apparently don't mesh well with the Google Nation. This morning, something about the main template prevented many Blogspot pages like mine from being accessed by anyone at all. The complaints boards were popping!

Now, I have a brand new look planned post-Super Bowl. Until then, I am going to stubbornly cling to this one. So Bear Down and bear with us!

Meanwhile, I have replaced the poll at left with a new cam from inside Dolphins Stadium, the site of Super Bowl XLI. However, the view has not been updated since Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. Still, it's a good look at the scene for the big game!

More later,


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