Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Are You An A$&H@L^?

I stumbled across a great quiz Monday on Forbes.com: "Are You An A$&H@L^?"

If you are one, work for one or just know one, take a peek at the link below and discover just how much of an ass you are or work for or know. I was just frightened that so many traits that I had associated with specific individuals were actually so universal.

There was a time that I was pretty much a total jerk/ass. Either I chose a different path (my story) or I matured (everyone else's story except for those who still maintain I am a jerk/ass). But we all have met people who:

• Believe that one of the best ways to "climb the ladder" is to push other people down or out of the way.
• When something goes wrong, always find someone else to blame.
• Constantly butter up their boss and other powerful people, and expect the same treatment from underlings.
• Enjoy lobbing "innocent" comments into meetings that serve no purpose other than to humiliate or cause discomfort to the person on the receiving end.
• Repeat jokes and teasing that can get a bit nasty at times.

Doesn't sound like anyone I'd want as a boss. My ability to recognize these as bad traits is my best evidence that I am, at best, a recovering ass. The quiz results for me said, "You don't sound like you are one, unless you are fooling yourself."

Anyway, check the quiz out and let me know how YOU score...

Are You An A$&H@L^?

More later,



Suzanne said...

If you ever were an A$&h@le then thankfully I missed it, but honestly I can't believe that was ever true - well, maybe in the 6th grade you did a stint as a bully or something.

As I've said before, I've been working a very long time and the tenure under you was truly the stellar "A$$-H*OLE-FREE ZONE".

Disco Stu said...

Mark, I can think of no one, I mean ABSOLUTELY NO ONE SPECIFIC (Is the sarcasm dripping here? Should I make it drip more?) who fits this profile.

I guess I've been lucky to never have encountered this person.

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