Look! It's Mr. 5,000 Scott Dalzell! And look at that handsome mug (the stein, I mean!!):
Well, I'd say that is one fine stein, Frank. Or whatever your name is... If you agree, maybe you, too, need to check out the fine merchandise, I mean, crap at:
Mark's World Crap-A-Rama
Steins, mugs, bears, aprons: Everything you need to get through the day (and night!). It's like Wal-Mart ... without the savings and the selection. And the utility. And the greeter.
If only Mr. (or Mrs. 6,000) would come forward... I have now heard from, or have been accosted by, Nos. 5,998, 5,999, 6,001 and others. These steins need a home!
More later,
P.S. Thanks, Scott, for being such a great sport!
Oh, good gravy. I about had a cow when I saw how big the picture was. Why didn't we get that type of picture play at the NWH? Softening in you old age? ;) Thanks again for the stein Mark. I'm drinking from it as I type....well, not as I type, but in between typing. And if you think about it, REALLY think about it, I now have the best "eye" on you blog page.
Scott, this is the first picture you've turned into me that was WORTHY of such play! :) Everytime you are photographed along side a fine Mark's World-brand product, you make a true, quality image!
Ironically, I now have the best eye in Florida...
LOL.....But Illinois is now mine!!!!!! Even if I am retired.
I checked with our computer tech & she said that we use the network you were looking for, so I do believe that I am #6000 blogger!
Thanks in advance for the valuable prize!
It is not necessary to post a picture. Remember that I have many photos of you available, also. (think Strawberry Shortcake) :)
Have a good day! It was great to talk to you last night!
Well, well, well...
Little Miss I-Read-Your-Blog-Once-A-Month-Maybe, now that you have seen Mr. Dalzell's beautiful mug, suddenly Mark's World has become very important to you...
Wow, maybe I have another career as a mug model. I could use that as my summer job.
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