Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Look! It's Mr. 5,000 Scott Dalzell! And look at that handsome mug (the stein, I mean!!):

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Well, I'd say that is one fine stein, Frank. Or whatever your name is... If you agree, maybe you, too, need to check out the fine merchandise, I mean, crap at:

Mark's World Crap-A-Rama

Steins, mugs, bears, aprons: Everything you need to get through the day (and night!). It's like Wal-Mart ... without the savings and the selection. And the utility. And the greeter.

If only Mr. (or Mrs. 6,000) would come forward... I have now heard from, or have been accosted by, Nos. 5,998, 5,999, 6,001 and others. These steins need a home!

More later,


P.S. Thanks, Scott, for being such a great sport!


sdazzle said...

Oh, good gravy. I about had a cow when I saw how big the picture was. Why didn't we get that type of picture play at the NWH? Softening in you old age? ;) Thanks again for the stein Mark. I'm drinking from it as I type....well, not as I type, but in between typing. And if you think about it, REALLY think about it, I now have the best "eye" on you blog page.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Scott, this is the first picture you've turned into me that was WORTHY of such play! :) Everytime you are photographed along side a fine Mark's World-brand product, you make a true, quality image!


Ironically, I now have the best eye in Florida...


sdazzle said...

LOL.....But Illinois is now mine!!!!!! Even if I am retired.

kroth said...

I checked with our computer tech & she said that we use the network you were looking for, so I do believe that I am #6000 blogger!
Thanks in advance for the valuable prize!
It is not necessary to post a picture. Remember that I have many photos of you available, also. (think Strawberry Shortcake) :)
Have a good day! It was great to talk to you last night!

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Well, well, well...

Little Miss I-Read-Your-Blog-Once-A-Month-Maybe, now that you have seen Mr. Dalzell's beautiful mug, suddenly Mark's World has become very important to you...



sdazzle said...

Wow, maybe I have another career as a mug model. I could use that as my summer job.

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