Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ahh... May!

May was always a special month in the Sweetwood household while growing up. In short order, we celebrated Dad's birthday, Mother's Day, the parents' anniversary and then Father's Day (following close behind in June).

Four big days in about five weeks.

These days, folks are spread from here back to Ilinois but we always find ways to celebrate. Mary and I headed to Ormond Beach to spread birthday cheer a couple of weeks ago. Today, Mom is spending the day with her Mom; Grandma turns 92 in July.

The good news is that in the 10th year since my Dad's retirement and the ninth year since they became full-year Floridians, Mom and Dad both are in good spirit and health. Here is a picture we snapped of them during the last visit:

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The best thing about the Internet is that they are regular visitors to Mark's World so it is always easy for me to wish them both a Happy Birth-Mother-Anniversary-Father's Day!

More later,


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