The future is a little, iPod-shaped box with an electronic viewfinder and a lens.
After some time on a waiting list, I finally received my Flip Video camcorder. I hate the "camcorder" part of the name. It makes it sound so much bigger than it is.
It is lightweight. It operates on two AA batteries. It can hold 60 minutes of video. It can make stills. It connects to your computer via a USB port. It can connect to your TV with a standard cable.
It costs about $125.
I am testing it out and more will follow. For now, enjoy my first test video featuring Louis J. Cat.
More later,
Very impressive! I notice that the Simpson's is playing behind Louis J. Cat so expect a lawsuit for copyright infringement any day now. You have all the best toys.
Louie seems a trifle bit bored to me.
That cat needs some heavy metal music--so tell him to jump over here: and he can rock with his cousin cats.
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