Saturday, August 08, 2009

And Now, The Rest Of One Fanboy's Story...

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So, Saturday afternoon, I was waiting for Mary to get home from work and doing some Web surfing. At this site, I stumbled into something I have sought for weeks:


Yes, the clips from "Iron Man 2" that director Jon Favreau and cast had shared at the recent San Diego Comic Con. Some cool fanboy had apparently captured most of it on a cell phone and it had finally found its way to the Internet

What's more, the site allowed me to embed the clip so within minutes it was a part of Mark's World.

It was pure happenstance, but at about that exact moment, from the TweetDeck, I could see that Favreau (@Jon_Favreau on Twitter) had just tweeted to his many followers (I am one).

"Thanks for filling me in about the leaked Comic Con trailer online. I'm told it's not up anymore. Did anyone see it? Thoughts?"

So, I took a chance that he would not be pissed off that I just embedded purloined images from his film that won't be released for another nine months and tweeted directly to him:

"@Jon_Favreau I was blown away, especially by (Garry) Shandling! It's gonna be a long nine months, man! Just embedded it:"

Now, what happened next must stand as some testament to the confidence of someone as talented as Favreau.

He retweeted my tweet to his 120,000-plus followers.

Boom. Mark's World was on fire.

The next thing I know, the counter on my blog goes crazy. I had more than 1.200 visits in the next hour. Almost as many in the next.

Now, in about four years, Mark's World had amassed – if such a term can even apply – a little more than 17,000 unique visits. In just a couple hours, we had about 6,000 more. Then e-mails started. And new Twitter followers joined. And more messages came in and were retweeted. Comments arrived at the Web site.

"Very cool that you embraced @sobeditor embedding it, Jon. VERY cool," one person tweeted. "Thanks for the embed @sobeditor," another followed.

It was amazing. There is so much positive energy for this movie and for the folks behind it.

On his Twitter page Favreau was getting a lot of feedback from those who had just viewed his work on Mark's World. Within a couple of hours, he posted:

"Thanks for all the encouraging feedback. Will let you know if/when official clean version goes up."

Now, this all has been a blast. But in surfing for a quality photo to use with this post, I came across this enlightening article from The Washington Post:

'Iron Man 2' Director Jon Favreau Shares Twitter Aims

The article explains: "Sure, Favreau's Twitter account has lots of intra-celeb chatter. But there are also the "Iron Man 2" responses that he says allow him pure, unfettered access to fans' thoughts and opinions."

There ya go: He's a smart guy and one heckuva director. And this fanboy is solidly in his corner and very appreciative that he allowed me to share in a small part of all of the "Iron Man 2" hoopla.

I cannot wait to see it. The next nine months are gonna take forever...

More later,


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