Sunday, August 09, 2009

Animal Stories

(Cue: wolf howl)

It's time once again for "Animal Stories" with me, your charming and delightful ol' Uncle Mark, and you, little snot-nosed reader.

Hello reader.

Saturday night we were on the phone with my sister, Karen when Mary noticed the cats were agitated by something they were watching from our large picture window off of the living room. That window faces our backyard.

She looked out the window and exclaimed something like "Oh my god, there's a deer right by the house!"

What a gut-wrenching nightmare, little reader. I grabbed the camera and that's when we noticed the second deer.

Now I shot this picture through the sheers that cover that window:

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That's the fawn that the neighbors had told us about a few weeks ago, little reader. As we watched, the big doe emerged from the side of the house.

I began to slide open the screen door off the dining room to shoot (a picture of) momma, who had closed to within a few feet of our deck. As I got the door open, she stopped and stared at me.

She stomped the ground, snorted a warning and then she and the fawn took off to the woods near neighbor Tony's yard. It was an amazing adventure, little reader. Yes, I am sure the deer are going to be alright...

In other animal news, it appears the owl has moved on. Coincidentally, or not, I saw the first gopher in several weeks scampering away as I was mowing today.

That's gonna do it for today's "Animal Stories." For those who have no idea what "Animal Stories" used to be, I share this clip of the once-charming and delightful ol' Uncle Lar and his sidekick, little snot-nosed Tommy.

More later,


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