Friday, April 04, 2008

One For My Baby...

...And One More For The Road...

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My parents and our Aunt Judy met Mary and I for one last Melbourne luncheon at Smokey Bones Barbeque and Grill a week ago Friday. Wow. Has it been a week already???

Since then, we've emptied the condo in Florida, driven nearly 1,100 miles north in a Chevy Cavalier with two cats, spent three different nights in three different hotels, and the whole fam-damily is reunited at the fine Residence Inn where John and Colleen and others take great care of us.

This coming week will prove to be a challenge: The moving van will arrive. Our new home will be revealed. And you'll be able to watch the whole shebang right here!

It will be must-see Internet, I promise.

Can I make up for two months of no posts in one week?

Don't miss a single moment beginning Tuesday, April 8.

Until then, here is a clue to our new homestead:

More later,



Unknown said...

Oh, so now your Florida home was a "condo?"
Talk about rose colored glasses!

We all know it was "The hovel!"

Hope all goes well for a smooth move in. Don't worry about those of us you left languishing back here in the heat!


Suzanne said...

I'm thinking this photo looks pretty familiar. Yep, it's the goodbye luncheon in a barbecue/hot wings joint. That's your M.O.

I think it's very exciting that you're moving on and reinventing yourself again. I'm just unhappy that I can't seem to find a job with a boss like you. So because of that I'm just going to stay unemployed!

I wish the best for you and Mary on this move. It will be an interesting adventure that will provide lots of funny blogging opportunities. I can picture the Brady Bunch house because my sister recently bought one. I've got some perfect accessories for you. Heh, heh, heh.

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