Thursday, June 12, 2008

I've Been One Poor Correspondent...



I give!

Many, many e-mails and inquiries in recent weeks about Mark's World. "What happened to the thought-provoking posts?" one of you wrote. "It looks like HGTV now with only the house updates!"

Ouch. Another writes: "Hey! Are you still alive? Tell us what's going on."

The final straw: My Mom wrote to Mary and I tonight to say "Mark has not updated his blog in 3 weeks. Are you OK?"


We are great. And busy. On top of new home chores, a busy schedule at work, a couple of computer issues, etc., my attention has been all over the place. That has just kept me from doing as much as I want to here.

But that will all change. We are getting resettled quite nicely and love our new home and surroundings. We thoroughly enjoyed my parents' recent visit and I think they came away with a new appreciation for Ohio and the Mahoning Valley.

Instead of posting, I have many diversions, it seems. We are just so new to everything, we want to try it all! We regularly attend Mahoning Valley Thunder games and cheer on our local arena football team. Here's a peek from section 105:

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We have about an acre of property and I spend some time each week amusing the neighbors with my riding mower prowess. My Dad shot a cool picture showing the view from the "back 40." Check it out:

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Meanwhile, we have found two places that sell an unbelievable array of quality beers, as this collection from a recent afternoon on the deck will attest:

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So, we're good, busy, happy and having a good time. Still, there's a lot going on in the world from media topics to politics to a new Hulk movie. I promise to get caught up!

Beginning Sunday: At least one post per day for an entire week! Be here!

More later (really!),


1 comment:

Eric Sweetwood said...

The Deep Cover Brown is good as is the London Porter, but you DO realize this is summer. Get some Wheat stuff in that collecion. Oh, and for quoting America's "Sister Goldenhair" at the beginning; well...uh...I forgive you. What's next, 10cc?

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