Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scenes From A Wedding

We just flew - by car - back from my brother Eric and his bride Jen's wedding in Illinois. It was an event to remember! We had a blast and it was a jam-packed three-day weekend.

In fact, between Mary and I, we shot hundreds of pictures. I have nine to share before I collapse into bed...

Here's the happy couple fleeing church to their getaway car (as best man, I was the driver).

Mary and I in front of the church. What a well-dressed, dignified couple!

Did I mention the Halloween-eve reception had a costume theme?

Even Dad and Mom got in to the act.

Mary bares her fangs. I see this image a lot, believe it or not!

Velcome to the party. I vant to drink your Jack Daniels.

My favorite sister Karen and her awesome husband Bud.

Karen, Eric and I mug for the camera.

And they lived happily ever after...

More picture to come! More later,


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