Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Beloved Louie

Louis J. Cat, our beloved Louie, 17, died suddenly today from complications caused by congestive heart failure.

He was a loving member of our family from the moment he was adopted in 2003. He was known for snuggling and voracious treat eating.

He lost his brother, 'Tude, in 2006, also to heart complications. Since then he moved with us to Florida, where he met his new brother Clyde, and then to Ohio, where he gained new brothers Sammy and, more recently, Pal Joey.

After his adopted brother Clyde passed in July, Louie began to mourn and never really recovered.

He will be greatly missed, never forgotten and always loved.

Mark & Mary


Elise said...

Oh no! So sorry to read this, Mark and Mary, especially after the heartbreak of losing Clyde so recently. I like to think the two of them are romping around together up in heaven now, though. Praying your wonderful memories of these beautiful cats will comfort you.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Thanks, Elise. Rough night. Kinda saw it coming, hence we went out and adopted Pal Joey. Still, we are pretty much emotional wrecks. When the woman at the emergency vet clinic knows you by name, it's a bad sign...

sdazzle said...

Wow Mark, we're so sorry. My first reaction was "you gotta be kidding me." I know how much they mean to you and to have lost two of your cats in such a short time. We will keep good thoughts for you and Mary.

lismagor said...

Mark and Mary,

My thoughts and prayers are with you, especially after losing Clyde recently. You gave Louis a wonderful life and all of you shared the unconditional love that exists with our beautiful babies and the families that love them. Thinking of you!

Eric Sweetwood said...

Sorry for your loss. You gave him a great second life when you adopted him and he returned your love tenfold, I am certain. God Bless and you have Jen and my sincere sympathy.

Eric Sweetwood said...

Jen and I send our most sincere sympathies for you and Mary. You gave Louie a great second life and I am certain he returned your love tenfold. I am so sorry for your loss.

Sports Blogger said...

So sorry to hear this news. Each time I return to your blog after a period away there is sad cat news.

I will start to tune in more regularly.

Hope you are both well and hanging in there.

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