Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Official!

OK, here's the scoop.

I am staying in a hotel that has a massive Internet problem. I spent nearly two hours on the phone Sunday going "Incredible Hulk" on a variety of English-deprived denizens who surely think less of the U.S. as a whole for my efforts.

Yet, they always have a name like "Mike" or "Tony." Hmmmm...

The Internet nightmare impacts everything from my e-mail to my ability to post here. I am slowly getting caught up, but please have patience! Luckily, Mary has supplied me with a PSP to keep me sane during those long periods in which I am cut off from the rest of the world.

"Haven't heard from you. Is everything OK?" writes one kind person. "I love reading your blog - when it is going to be updated? (hint, hint)" writes another "fan."

I'm working on it.

In the meantime, my status here became official Sunday after it was published in The Vindicator and on Check it out:

Vindy hires managing editor

In answer to other questions, yes, when I have full Internet access, this site will evolve once again to lose the nautical look and reflect my new life: Scraping snow and ice off of my car.

Stay tuned!

More later.


P.S. As is the local custom, apparently, the Internet quit as I attempted to post this earlier Monday. Hulk smash! Hulk smash!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Wow, you rate your own story....well, not exactly since you had to share the space with 2 classified hires.

Congratulations Mark. And to think I knew you "when".

- Suzanne

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