Friday, February 22, 2008

And, I'm Off

Sorry for the paucity of posts, lately. Things have been kind of crazy and what seemed like a long three-week notice suddenly collapsed into some sort of blackhole. Time has ceased to have meaning.

Yet, the bags are packed and I'm ready to go...

The trip to Ohio looks a lot like this:

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Essentially, go north, old man.

I will literally age one year between the time I hit the bricks tomorrow and end up in the offices of The Vindicator in Youngstown, Ohio on Monday.

Until then, I have many miles to go before I sleep.

I hate saying goodbye. I hate goodbyes in general (I can barely watch the last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show). I hate leaving Mary and the cats again. I hate bidding farewell to the great Hometown News team. I hate driving 550 miles a day.

But I am excited about the next chapter in life and the outstanding opportunities that await. Plus: I get to hit the newsroom in Youngstown just as the world focuses on the Ohio primary.

I will post updates here, so stay tuned!

More later,



Ryun Patterson said...

When I go on these kind of trips, I think of one interesting question, and I ask it to someone every time I stop to get gas, food, etc. It's usually fascinating.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

How about: Was Hillary's closer Thursday night a near-concession speech or just something she ripped off from John Edwards?

Ryun Patterson said...

Xeroxed from John Edwards, perhaps.

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