Friday, March 16, 2007

His Mighty Shield...

Over at, someone has posted the lyrics to the theme songs to the 1960s cartoon series, "Marvel Superheroes." Growing up, my brother and I loved these cheaply made cartoons and embedded in our memories are all of the theme songs to each of the heroes. Take, for instance, the recently assassinated Captain America:

"When Captain America throws his mighty shield
"All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield
"If he's led to a fight and a duel is due
"Then the red and the white and the blue'll come through
"When Captain America throws his mighty shield!"

Well, now that the good Cap is (allegedly) dead, you might have wondered: What happened to his shield? Viewers of the "Colbert Report" already know the answer. Thanks to the good folks at, everyone can check this amazing clip out:

More later,



Eric Sweetwood said...

"Tony Stark, he's a cool exect with a heart of steel;
But Iron-Man will save the day; he fights and fights with repulsor rays.
Amazing armour; that's Iron-Man; Amazing armour that's Iron-Man.

The trick is, no one can remeber the Sub-Mariner song.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Very close, but according to Wikipedia:

"The Invincible Iron Man"

Tony Stark makes you feel
He's a cool exec with a heart of steel
As Iron Man, all jets ablaze
He fights and smites with repulsor rays
Amazing armor! Iron Man!
A blaze of power! Iron Man!

Suzanne said...

No one better to entrust the shield than to Colbert.

I wasn't much of a superhero fan as a kid but I did like Godzilla and my personal favorite the cheesy Star Man. You gotta love a flying man suspended by visible strings.

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