Monday, June 04, 2007

Mr. or Mrs. 7,000!

Sign in, please!

At 7:48.07 p.m. CST, you signed in on an Ameritech.Net/SBC Internet Services Account out of the southwestern suburbs of Lyons, Ill. You arrived here from your bookmarks on a PC running Internet Explorer 6.0 and your monitor resolution is set for a 1024-by-768 screen.

And I am confident I know who this is.

Oh, yes, you beat out my Mom by a few seconds...

We await your coronation, oh mighty Mr. or Mrs. 7,000. Please e-mail me immediately at just like you did earlier this evening.




Sports Blogger said...

Nice to know that big brother is able to not only watch us, but to share with the entire cyber world private details that we may not wish to share. The internet is both amazing and frightening at the same time.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Hi, Nigel! Hope this finds you well.

It's a little scary, but I left off the IP address and other info. I thought screen resolution and time was pertinent. The browser WAS showing off, though.


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