Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mrs. 7,000 Is Here!

Mark's World received this important dispatch just hours ago!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usHERE SHE IS! MRS. 7,000!

LILY LAKE, ILL. — It has been announced that rural Lily Lake resident Suzanne Kathro has been named "Mrs. 7,000" by the wildly popular Mark's World blog published out of Melbourne, Fla.

Mrs. Kathro expressed surprise and joy upon receiving the award, a high-quality mug made in China.

"I never expected to win anything, I was just going about my business getting my daily fix of 'Mark's World,'" she mused.

This is the second such award to be presented by the blog's publisher, Mark Sweetwood.

"I fully intend to take my responsibilities very seriously", Mrs. Kathro continued.

Her first appearance as Mrs. 7,000 will be at the upcoming grand opening of The Sudsy Starfish Laundromat in Two Egg, Fla.

Nice tiara, Suzanne! Thanks for being such a great sport – as well as a frequent visitor and prolific blogger! Long shall you reign – or until we find a Mrs. or Mr. 8,000!

More later,


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