Saturday, July 28, 2007

My New Merchants and 'My Movie'

Mark's World is proud to announce that our new advertising affiliates are Amazon.Com and, by extension, Target.Com!

Now we can offer links to virtually anything you need to buy – and that will be important this holiday shopping season when we will open the shopping site of ALL shopping sites. Right now, check out the "Mark's World for Shopaholics" clickable on the left to discover stuff that Mark is either currently enjoying or plans to buy, like the big Mac OSX upgrade: Leopard. I heartily recommend all of the books listed there (and, no, Harry Potter is NOT one of them!).

Farther down on the left you'll see "Buy My Movie." A struggling young journalist in Oak Park, Ill., I was an extra in the 1988 classic comedy/adventure "Vice Versa" and you can enjoy great scenes like this one for only $9.95:

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More later,



Suzanne said...

Holy cow - you were in a movie?????

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Yes, a 20-year-younger, less paunchy, less bald version of myself spent a couple of days on the set of "Vice Versa" as a young reporter in Oak Park, Ill. in 1987...


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