Sunday, July 15, 2007

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So, I was coming out of Target Saturday having made my weekly donation, when I spied something yellow on the window of the driver's side door of my Kia.

You might recall the editors of Mark's World voted the 2002 Kia Sportage the car of the year in 2006. But I digress...

Upon closer inspection, it was a yellow sticky note which read "You need air in your right rear tire" followed by a smiley face. I walked around the back of the car and – SUNOVAGUN! – the sticky note was right! A mere 75 cents later at the 7-Eleven's air machine, and the tire was back to normal.

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The tire is fine. Me? I'm somewhat disturbed about the implications of the yellow sticky note.

First, who put it there? Did some co-worker notice it in the parking lot at work? How about a neighbor here on Venetian Drive? A shopper at Target or any of the places I stopped at on Saturday?

Who is this person who apparently dispenses sticky notes in an attempt to solve other people's problems?

More importantly, what does this say about me? Not only did I not notice that my own right rear tire was low, but I didn't notice the tires of ANY car I came in contact with that day. I didn't notice other cars that needed to be washed, either.

So wrapped up in my own world – not to mention Nick Lowe's "At My Age" and The Beastie Boys' "The Mix-Up" – I went about my chores unaware of any needs of my fellow man, while this yellow sticky note vigilante was out with the goal of improving the lives of others.

I'm not sure what all of this means exactly, but I, for one, am glad there is a yellow sticky note vigilante out there... Perhaps we could all heed this person's lesson and be a little more observant – and a little less afraid to help others. Perhaps the biggest lesson here is that when someone is kind enough to take the time to issue you a warning, you should take heed!

More later,


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