Monday, June 08, 2009

Spring Is A-Poppin'!

A sure sign of spring here in woodsy Northeast Ohio: I almost mowed over five baby bunnies Sunday.

Turns out, a rabbit had made a nest in the middle of the front yard. I had mowed over what I thought was a clump of old, dead grass a couple of times now. On Sunday, as I got close to it, bunnies started scampering out. Afraid I might accidently puree one or two, I turned the mower off. A couple headed for the safety of the large blue spruces that line the end of our front yard (clearly Momma rabbit had taught them an escape plan).

One remained frozen in the yard. Another made a break for it but went the wrong way and stopped in the middle of the street!

Mindful of not wanting to touch them else Momma Rabbit reject them (Is that a urban legend?) I got into the street to usher him/her back into the safety of the pines with the rest of the brood. That worked. The one in the yard seemed paralyzed with fear. I stood right over the frozen prey and nary a move was made. So, I turned the mower on again and off he/she flew to be with the rest of the brood.

This follows the unveiling Friday of four new baby groundhogs by Momma Groundhog in the backyard (yes, I resisted the urge to get out the BB gun). And later Sunday, a baby squirrel investigating the deck made Clyde the Cat quite crazy. He'll put up with just about anything, it turns out, save for a young red squirrel staring at him from the deck.

Our property abuts a woodsy area and a protected wetlands (just a creek methinks). Hence we have no choice but to live in harmony with nature. Until, of course, these critters get old enough to become BB fodder...

More later,


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