Sunday, March 19, 2006

Braves win! Braves win!

Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and remove your hats and then bow and push the button below as we sing the Bradley University fight song:

Bradley Fight Song

Lyrics for the unannointed:

Charge on, Charge on Bradley,
March right down the field,
Foes may press you,
Foes may even stress you,
But we’ll never yield.

Fight for Alma Mater,
Plunge right thru to victory.
Fight on , Fight on Bradley,
And fight for varsity!

Thank you. You may now take your seats. But remain bowed.

After beating fourth-ranked Kansas, the Bradley Braves overpowered the fifth-seeded Pittsburgh Panthers 72-66 to make the Sweetwood 16.

More later, after I finish the Bradley Victory Dance.


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