Saturday, March 18, 2006

Go, Bradley, go!

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OK, I have survived the first 32 March Madness battles with a 21-11 record. Only three of my Sweetwood 16 picks have thus far been eliminated. My Elite 8 and Final 4 are intact.

The Final Four: Duke, Gonzaga, UNC and Villanova with Duke beating UNC for the win. Sorry Bradley University.

However, if good ol' BU makes a liar out of me, I will gladly suffer the indignity. They were awesome Friday night against favored Kansas.

Let's see... I gotta make good on all the salt rubbed in my various wounds over the last decade. I did some checking and this is a list of teams I don't see in the NCAA tourney's next round: Illinois State University, Marquette University, any team that rhymes with "ichigan", Western Illinois University, Northern Illinois University (that was just a joke) and, of course, SUNY-Brockport. I'll wait until the Sweetwood 16 list to mock my Northwestern and University of Illinois friends...

Sadly Southern Illinois is no longer in the tournament... Lousy bunch of cheatin' dogs...

In case you missed you missed the fine Missouri Valley Conference tournament championship March 5, the Bradley Braves lead 24-23 at half. Suddenly, the desperate Southern Illinois Salukis went berserk and broke a cheerleader's neck, thus ensuring the ESPN SportsCenter clip. A confused Bradley went on to lose.

That's all behind us now. Bradley is playing on and Southern is home practicing its cheers...

By the way, I'm not sure whether it was Airborne or that osscillio-whatever stuff, but I crushed that cold and was back to my old self by midweek! I've heard people whine about colds that lasted weeks/months. To them I offer the prescription featured on the last blog below. Trust me: It works!

More later!



Anonymous said...

I was waiting on this one. They looked good last night.
Go Illini.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Go? Well, they went...

That was hard to watch even for me... Dee was like: For this, I didn't go pro??? What???

It is now time for all of Illinois to embrace Bradley!

Anonymous said...

Like Daz, I too have expected this richly undeserved barb. But I am so pleased with Bradley's win that I am willing to overlook it.

But what's with that fight song?

Foes may press you,
Foes may even stress you
Or make you sneeze
And say God Bless You

Anonymous said...

BTW, Anonymous is Cliff, but keep that to yourself

Eric Sweetwood said...

We all know ISU is the true POWERHOUSSE in the MVC. Go Redbirds!

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

OK, truth be told, as in the case of many of your finest institutions of higher learning, all Bradley University songs suck...

Like those fearless Native Americans for whom they were named, Bradley has no true musical heritage. Nothing you'd want to listen to on purpose, anyway...

They WERE the lead story on SportsCenter at one point today, so... Song suckiness nothwithstanding, you should all still be bowed before them and maintain that position until they parade that championship trophy into the Carver Arena...

And to think my brother cheers the RedBirdFlu... Sad.

Anonymous said...

O.K. I've embraced Bradley, though they must walk six feet behind me at all times. Man, the frightening Illini so let me down.
ISU has a sports program?

Eric Sweetwood said...

Dang good one. Oldest Higher educational institution in the state of Illinois (Beating the Illini by four years and I do not know when Bradley "Have Money Will Graduate" University ranks in age.

Question came up with my students--wasn't Bradley in the Sweet 16 when Hawkins was there? Is this really the furthest they have been in over 50 years?

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

What were you: An ISU history major? OLDEST college... First time in 50 years... Blah, blah, blah...

Let's revel in the here and now and not delve into such subjects as how Bradley was screwed out of the NCAA tourney by an East Coast-biased selection process and routed the NIT in 1982 and even higher admission standards, etc. (I think ISU's admission standard is a GED and a current utility bill to prove you live in Illinois.) Let's not even discuss what ISU's basketball was doing over this past weekend (green beer bongs and third-rate cheerleaders).

Let's just enjoy a winning team from Illinois and cheer them to three more exciting victories! We are NOT ISU supporters this week nor are we Illini supporters nor even, lmao, cheese-headed Marquette supporters: We are ALL Bradley fans!


Eric Sweetwood said...

Yes History major, but also an English major--undergrad.

I give Bradley it's due, but the fight song's lyrics of "charge" I assume means how you pay for the college and/or degree.

One of my all-time favorite students from this year's senior class was issued a scholarship that will pay for 3/4 of her four year degree. She was thrilled. I told her she should be proud. I think she is majoring in business. Great kid, great legathy, great business school.

Uh, ISU is 22 on ACT depending on class rank--granted its's not much, but the public gets what the public pays. Helped me.

On the other hand, not to let you bask in the Bradley glow, WE Redbirdflus can kick your ass in football...oh wait...grand ole' BU cannot play MEN'S sports...

Hawkins was in NIT? That is a rip-off. Dick Versace must have gone nuts--oh wait--he already WAS nuts. Sorry.

I hope Bradley takes it all, except our CRAPPY local stations down here will skip quality NBC shows to play Bradley games. What will I do with "My Name is Earl?" (which by the way is a common phrase of many a Peoria native!)

Go Bradley and good for Jim Les and the Cinderella story of the year.

Good thing we do not bet on these Bradley ISU games...

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