Saturday, October 06, 2007

39 and counting....

W are just 39 visitors away from crowning Mr./Ms./Mrs 9,000! I can feel the anticipation in the air!

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The 9,000th visitor to Mark's World will, of course, earn the shimmering Mark's World stein just in time for your local Oktoberfest celebration. Of course, if you can't wait to be the winner, simply click the button on the left and the Mark's World Crap-A-Rama staff will speed one (or even a set of four) to your home faster than you can say "That SOB Bernard Berrian better not bobble another buckin' ball!"

You can help the contest: Whenever you visit, just scroll down the left-hand side until you see the counter under the Mark and Mary picture. It will tell you what number you are! Otherwise, it will be up to me to figure it out by checking the ISP's of visitors.

Good luck to all!

More later!


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