Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's Time to Celebrate!

Well, my sister Karen is right. I do owe Mrs. 6,000 something. And we're still experiencing problems down at the store. So, she'll get a Mark's World stein. Eventually.

Right now, I have a better idea. My gift to her is simply this:

A Celebration!

With apologies to Kool & The Gang:

There's a party going on right here!

A celebration to last throughout the year!

So tell my sister and point your browser to:

Karen Roth: The Happy Birthday Tribute! .

OK, so it doesn't exactly rhyme. I'm not the next Kool. I don't have a "Gang." I'm OK with that.

But I do have a wonderful sister who is turning 50 in roughly six months so what better way to mark the half-century mark than by Mark building her a wonderful tribute marking the occasion?

There's a countdown clock. There are links to her life. There are places for you to leave her messages. There's music!

So check the site out!

And let the celebration begin!

More later,


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