Sunday, April 01, 2007

Just A Picture Before We Go...

One more chapter from our long weekend-long series "Mary Meets the Trans-Famous:"

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By the way, thanks so much to all of you who visited Mark's World this weekend. We're setting some all-time traffic records for our little pimple on the backside of the Internet. We'll be notching visitor No. 6,000 this week and I couldn't be happier!

Scott Dalzell, you might recall, was Mr. 5,000 several weeks ago. And I still owe him something. So, I solved that little dilemma. Be here this week when we reward our 5,000th visitor AND crown our 6,000th visitor with some cool, uhm, crap. Not just any crap, mind you: Official Mark's World crap.

Next up: Our flight home. Then, a recap of our Bears weekend experience,

More later,



sdazzle said...

Woot!!! Ill-gotten goods. Gotta love it. Sorry I missed you over the weekend. My "unit," no not that unit, that I planned for my class ended up being over 100 pages long. After I finished on Saturday evening at about 7:30 p.m., I drank a beer and passed out.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Sorry for the "postal confusion" here, Scott. We had a blast in Chicago and even got to visit with the Wards, Cliff and Marist. That "Marist" joke is so old. Jan is such a good sport and it was great fun catching up with them.

We'll get ya on the next trip. Or, bring the fam on down! I hear Disney World is lovely this time of year...


sdazzle said...

Yeah, I really wanted to make it down, but I would have been a zombie. Florida sounds pretty good about now, especially since it's about 28 degrees outside.

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