Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Internet Explorer doesn't ...

... at least not here.

You apparently can no longer use Internet Explorer to explore Mark's World 2.0 in the beautiful wonder as God and I intended. You can still see some of the blogs, but you should see a column of separate material on the left and the brilliant blogs occupying the center/right side of the page.

I am working on it, but there may be few options. More and more sites no longer support Internet Explorer. I can - and will - upgrade my wife and my mom to at least OSX Version 10.3.9 so that they can update to Safari and Firefox. But PC folks out there, like my dad, well, you are on your own. Maybe your wife will let you use a technologically superior computer.

If you are running OSX Version 10.3.9 or higher and you need the Safari browser, download it here:


Likewise, if you are running OSX Version 10.3.9 or higher and you need Mozilla's Firefox browser, download it here:


More later,


P.S. In an effort to remedy part of the problem, I removed the "Othello" game. Let me know if this helps!


Anonymous said...

Firefox is a better browser anyway. You don't have nearly as many security problems as you do with Exploder. And it's free!

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to add, this is for the PC.Here's the link;

I've been using it for years with no problems. You can also transfer all your bookmarks from Explorer.
If you're in love with Explorer you can also try out the new Internet Explorer 7 beta version for PCs here:

Hope you don't mind me posting these options Mark.

Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Thanks a lot, Scott!

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